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Category: 'Guard/X Guard/X Guard/Sweeps';
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Breaking Grips from X-Guard, X-Guard Retention vs Back Step Pass

Jon with the help of Rush asks Marcelo about a high-level problem that can occur while playing from X-Guard.
Toehold from X-Guard, Toehold vs X-Guard, Roll Over Sweep from X Guard

Marcelo & Jon explore the possibilities involved with Foot-Locking from (and against) X-Guard. *Bonus* Paul Schreiner shares his bread-n-butter Half Guard Sweep, The "Jedi Mind Trick" (as popularized by Ryan Hall).
Shin-in Sweep from Deep Half Guard, Ankle Trap Sweep from X Guard, Roll Over Sweep from X Guard

Marcelo helps Diego troubleshoot the Shin-In Sweep from Deep Half. If your opponent leans away from the direction of the sweep, with commitment, rock into the direction of his weight and use the momentum as he centers back to finish th...
X-Guard Retention & Recovery Techniques

Marcelo explains high-level retention tactics for keeping the X-Guard against an opponent committed to freeing his back-leg. If he tries to vault over your knee to mat, meet his hip with your hand to ward away his Mount until you can r...
1 Leg X Guard Sweep, Hook Sweep Variation from 1 Leg X Guard, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

Marcelo discusses the connection between the opponent's balance, 1 Leg X Guard Sweeps, and the X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard. Weave between the sweeps to exploit the opponent's balance, until finally connecting the appropriate ...
X Guard Takedown from X Guard

Tony inquires Marcelo regarding X-Guard sweep strategies against well-balanced, strong, and large opponents. If you test their balance and rattle their lead leg to no avail from 1Leg-X, this should prompt you to switch to Full-X. Rathe...
1Leg X Guard to X Guard → X Guard Takedown from X Guard

Munchi asks Marcelo what he should do against opponents who are comfortable stabilizing inside his Single Leg X-Guard. The answer is to switch to X-Guard and elevate their leg atop his shoulder for the Sweep. Next, they deconstruct the...
Posted: 3287 days ago
Unbalance Sweep from X Guard

Marcelo helps Joel troubleshoot the Unbalance Sweep from X-Guard.
Posted: 4309 days ago
Clearing Ties from X-Guard

Marcelo and Gianni demonstrate for Philizinho how to clear an opponent's Collar Ties against X-Guard. Pull the elbow(s) away, extend your hooks, and pull your head back. Claim a wrist after escaping to help with any follow-up sweep.
Timing and Unbalancing in 1 Leg X-Guard

Marcelo explains to Phil how to use timing against the opponent by coordinating with their motion. In this specific situation, the opponent is sitting against the in-between position of 1LXG and X Guard, while holding a pant leg. Use m...
Posted: 2427 days ago
Take-Down Sweep from Partial X-Guard Entry

Marcelo and Phil help Brendan better understand his timing for a sweep from guard: Whenever you get underneath your opponent's base for a deep/cross variant of an Open-Guard (i.e., "Partial" X-Guard; "Lagarto"-X, "Over-Hook"-X, "Velvet...
1Leg X Guard to X Guard

Marcelo warns Gianni about the dangers of staying in one guard position for too long: When your opponent is keeping their balance well when you have them placed inside your Single-Leg X, you may need to either keep at breaking their ba...
1Leg X Guard to X Guard

Marcelo helps explain when to transition from Single Leg X to the X-Guard. If you can grab and keep hold of your opponent's far wrist, you can sit up and drive them back for a low amplitude sweep. However, if your opponent is keeping t...
Take-Down Sweep from X Guard

Marcelo and Matheus help Jon finish his sweep from X-Guard when an opponent tries to escape by flipping backwards: One possible solution to this unique and unorthodox problem is to catch the opponent's free leg with a framing forearm. ...
Posted: 1176 days ago
X-Guard Take Down against Forward Pressure and Running Escape

Marcelo trouble shoots with Jon on securing an opponent when standing from X-Guard - specifically against an opponent pressuring forwards to keep you down, or if the opponent spins to wrestle away as you stand.
Posted: 1894 days ago
X Guard Reentry vs Takedown Escape

Marcelo imparts important rules for training in his Advanced Class: Participation in class is a team-effort, and involves considering the welfare of everyone sharing the mats together with one another; we all need to properly share bot...
Take-Down Sweep from X-Guard

Marcelo insists on the detail of using your hand to help turn your opponent's knee away from a Running Escape when attempting to Take-Out-the-Trash from X-Guard. Use your free hand to help rotate your opponent's knee from pointing down...
Shin-in Sweep from X Guard

Marcelo guides Tati & Emily through a Modified Waiter-Sweep: Starting from X-Guard, you can used your X-Hooks to pull your opponent's far ankle towards your outside hand and attach to it as if applying an Ankle-Pick. Wedge your shin in...
Posted: 165 days ago
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